Pushe deine Freelancer-Karriere in...
Hier sind die Highlights von 2024!
Erlebe die Freelance Unlocked 2024 noch einmal! 🎉
Erlebe Freelance Unlocked hautnah und entdecke in unserer Galerie die besten Momente der Konferenz. Freelance Unlocked ist ein Muss für Freelancer aus allen Branchen. Lass die Eindrücke auf dich wirken und du wirst sehen, warum du dieses Event nicht verpassen darfst!
Alte Münze, Berlin
May 15-16, 2024
Alte Münze, Berlin
May 15-16, 2024
Day 1 (9am- 10pm)
Day 2 (9am-4pm)

Über die Konferenz
Was ist Freelance Unlocked?
Freelance Unlocked ist Deutschlands einzige Konferenz für besseres Freelancing. Wir bringen über 500 Freelancer und mehr als 40 Speaker für zwei Tage zusammen, um Freelancern dabei zu helfen, in allen Facetten ihres Berufslebens besser zu werden – sei es im Vertrieb und Marketing, bei der persönlichen Entwicklung oder im Umgang mit administrativen Herausforderungen und der Förderung von Wohlbefinden am Arbeitsplatz.

Warum du teilnehmen solltest
Warum Freelance Unlocked?

Lead-Generierung für erfolgreiche Aufträge
Vernetze dich mit Unternehmen, die auf der Suche nach Freelancern sind. Knüpfe wertvolle Verbindungen, die Leads in echte Kunden umwandeln können. Zeig deine Skills und Expertise denjenigen, die wirklich zählen, und mach aus Potenzial erfolgreiche Kooperationen. Let's make those connections count!
Netzwerken & Zusammenarbeit
Vernetze dich mit Profis und anderen Freelancern, um wertvolle Beziehungen und kollaborative Möglichkeiten zu schaffen. Das ist der Schlüssel, um deine Karriere auf das nächste Level zu bringen! 🤝
Lerne Neues und hab Spaß dabei!
Mach mit bei unseren Workshops und Sessions, die von Top-Experten geleitet werden. Hier kannst du nicht nur deine Skills ausbauen, sondern bleibst auch am Puls der neuesten Trends. Wir feiern zusammen deine Erfolge und Meilensteine in einer unterstützenden Community. Lass dich für deinen Weg in die Selbstständigkeit motivieren und inspirieren – professionell, aber immer mit einer Prise Spaß und Leichtigkeit! 🚀
Was ist in deinem Ticket enthalten für Freelance Unlocked 2025
- 2 Tage volles Programm bestehend aus spannenden Sessions, Keynotes und Workshops
- Sei Teil der größten Freelance Community und vernetze dich mit Vordenkern der Branche
- Kontakte zu führenden Unternehmen, die sich an der Freelance Revolution beteiligen
- Eintritt zur Aftershowparty
- Zugriff auf alle aufgezeichneten Sessions der Konferenz im Nachgang des Events

Erhalte Event-Updates direkt in dein Postfach!
Bleib auf dem Laufenden! Verpasse auf keinen Fall die neuesten Nachrichten zum Event, exklusive Ankündigungen und wichtige Mitteilungen!
Treffen Sie unsere Speaker für 2025
Connecte dich mit über 50 Impulsgebern, die aktiv die Zukunft der Arbeit gestalten. Wenn du daran interessiert bist, nächstes Jahr als Sprecher aufzutreten, sende uns bitte hier deine Daten.

Sascha Lobo
Autor, Journalist und Strategieberater - Digitalisierung & KI

Jon Younger
Experte für HR-Tech, Autor und Berater. Forbes Contributor.

Sandra Löhning
Senior Partner Manager Europe bei exali AG

Matthew Mottola
CEO von The Human Cloud

Sarah Wachs
Mitgründer von Passionfroot & Organisatorin von Empowered in Tech Berlin

Nicolas Kopp
Mitgründer & CEO von digital essence GmbH

Alexandra Frey
Consultant E-Accessibility bei TWIN CUBES GmbH

Göran Hielscher
Design Thinking Coach & Berater bei The Inspiracy Group

Maruan Faraj
Gründer und CEO von Finally Freelancing

Timo Schmidtchen
Geschäftsführer bei Constaff

Magdalena Ziomek
Gründerin und Managing Director von SMartDe eG

Matteo Cassese
Coach für Führungskräfte und Gründer

Thomas Marbella
Geschäftsführer bei OneCode

Ralph Günther
CEO von exali AG

Christine Vallaure
Gründerin des moonlearning.io

Hubert Staudt
CEO von top itservices AG

Sonja Heinrich
Prokuristin und Vorstandsmitglied der IK Hofmann GmbH

Anika Schmidt
Co-Founder von FreeMOM

Bastian Lopez
CEO von CodeControl

Kenan Aggül
Co-Founder von kepa Voices

Julia Bandov
Co-Founder von MumsFounding

Susanne Schlösser
Transformations-, Business-, Karriere- & Organisationscoach

Matthew Dowling
Gründer von Freelancer Club

Jomiro Eming
Gründer von Jomiro Eming Design Lab

Sarah Steffen
Co-Founder von freelancers & friends und Unternehmen gegen Rechts

Bertrand Rothen
Freelance Product Manager, Product Owner & Berater

Jan-Ole Fürl
Inhaber von Investano GmbH

Patrick McGibney
Gründer und Geschäftsführer bei McGibney Mentoring and Coaching

Eva Rostock
Gründerin & Headcoach bei Solid Defense

Chiara Bachmann
Business-Berater & Führungskräfte-Coach

Dina Brandt
Personal Branding auf Social Media – Strategie und Beratung bei Dina Brandt

Marvin Linxweiler
Gründer von Lean Creator Club

Benno Grunewald
Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht

Judith Böhlert
Freelance Softwareentwickler

Oliver Gehrman
Inhaber bei nexTab.de

Thomas Schönweitz
Gründer und CEO bei whitespring

Karolina Zolubak
Freelance Illustrator

Nick Lawitzke
HR Director bei KPMG

Hanna Oeljeschl
Gründerin bei M-Einhorn Studio

Nicola Filzmoser
Market Traction Coach & Berater vei Idea Launch Lab

Steffi Puls
Digitale Kommunikations-Strategin & LinkedIn Coach bei digitalstolz

Alexander Keck
Gründer von Unternehmergold

Sascha Lobo
Autor, Journalist und Strategieberater - Digitalisierung & KI

Jon Younger
Experte für HR-Tech, Autor und Berater. Forbes Contributor.
Noha Salama
Germany Chapter Director bei Women in Tech Global

Matthew Mottola
CEO von The Human Cloud
Sarah Wachs
Founding Developer bei Passionfroot & Organiser von Empowered in Tech Berlin
Nicolas Kopp
Co-Founder und CEO von digital essence GmbH
Alexandra Frey
Consultant E-Accessibility bei Digital BarriereFrey
Göran Hielscher
Design Thinking Coach & Consultant bei The Inspiracy Group

Maruan Faraj
Gründer & CEO von Finally Freelancing

Timo Schmidtchen
Geschäftsführer bei Constaff

Sandra Löhning
Senior Partner Manager bei exali AG

Matteo Cassese
Coach für Gründer und Führungskräfte
Thomas Marbella
Geschäftsführer bei OneCode

Magdalena Ziomek
Gründerin und Managing Director von SMartDe eG

Ralph Günther
Vorstandsvorsitzender von exali AG
Wir erweitern unser Speaker-Lineup kontinuierlich bis zum Event. Bleib auf dem Laufenden für die neuesten Updates!
Wer steckt dahinter?
💼 Main organisers
🥇 Gold partner
🥈 Silver partner
💼 Main organisers

Partner mit Freelance Unlocked
Teilt Ihr Unternehmen die Leidenschaft, Freiberufler zu fördern und die Zukunft der Arbeit zu gestalten? Freelance Unlocked bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Ihre Marke zu präsentieren, Kontakte zu Branchenführern zu knüpfen und mit einem vielfältigen Publikum von Freiberuflern und Unternehmen in Kontakt zu treten.

🥇 Gold partner
🥈 Silver partner
Highlights Der Xmas Unlocked 2024
Xmas Unlocked 2024: Eine festliche Feier für Freelancer
Im November haben wir zum ersten Mal unsere Weihnachtsfeier für Freelancer veranstaltet! Bei der Xmas Unlocked 2024 haben wir die Freelancer-Community für einen Abend voller Spaß, Austausch und Netzwerken zusammengebracht. Es gab ein gemütliches Fondue-Dinner, eine ausgelassene Weihnachtsfeier und spannende Gespräche an den Tischen, geleitet von 12 Expert*innen aus Bereichen wie Marketing, Steuern, Wellbeing und Entrepreneurship.
Sieh dir hier die Highlights an und lass den Zauber dieses besonderen Abends noch einmal aufleben!
Alte Münze, Berlin
May 15-16, 2024
Alte Münze, Berlin
May 15-16, 2024
Day 1 (9am- 10pm)
Day 2 (9am-4pm)

Meet our speakers
Connect with over 40 industry thought leaders who are actively shaping the Future of Work, contributing their expertise to forge a brighter collective future.
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of the full speaker list.

Marc Clemens
Founder and CEO of 9am & CodeControl

Christian Weber
Consultant & Managing Owner at dnext

Florian Alexander
Freelance Product Owner & IT Project Lead

Ulrich Watermann
Co-Founder at zwischen#räume
& Lecturer at INeKO

Karolin Ruehlmann
General Management & Interim CEO/COO

Thomas Marbella
Managing Director at OneCode

Peter Balog
Founder of Freelance Pizza

Fabian Rossbacher
Chief Marketing Officer at SEODAY

Natalia Nestrowicz
Talent Acquisition Specialist at virtual7

Nicolas Kopp
Co-Founder & CEO at digital essence

Simone Harter
Senior Workforce Manager at virtual7

Tomas Renner
Head of Growth at eRecht24

Glen Hodgson
Founder & CEO of Freelance Movement

Nicole Krenz
Founder of Digitales Coworking

Magdalena Ziomek
Founder & Managing Director of SMartDe eG

Melanie Schröder
Business Mentoring & LinkedIn Storyteller

Michael Bender
Managing Partner at Thalent.com

Christian Pyrros
Managing Partner at erfolk.com
Time - TBA soon
Bias now, Pay later – how to Overcome Bias
Have you ever unconsciously focused on data that highlights your hypothesis? Or continued to push a project forward, even though you knew it wouldn’t succeed? Well, you’re not alone. Almost every design decision is fueled with bias.
Time - TBA soon
Design for everyone
Every little thing we do in the interface has an impact and so does everything we don’t do. Inclusive design is about building the right thing.
Time - TBA soon
Redesigning core experience
How do you redesign one of the most wildly contested, highly debated, most viewed parts of a product? In her talk, Meylin will give you insights into how Wise redesigned their homepage and restructured information architecture.
Day 2
Time - TBA soon
Bias now, Pay later – how to Overcome Bias
Have you ever unconsciously focused on data that highlights your hypothesis? Or continued to push a project forward, even though you knew it wouldn’t succeed? Well, you’re not alone. Almost every design decision is fueled with bias.
Time - TBA soon
Design for everyone
Every little thing we do in the interface has an impact and so does everything we don’t do. Inclusive design is about building the right thing.
Time - TBA soon
Redesigning core experience
How do you redesign one of the most wildly contested, highly debated, most viewed parts of a product? In her talk, Meylin will give you insights into how Wise redesigned their homepage and restructured information architecture.
Main Stage 🟢
Main Stage 🟢

Sales & Marketing
Freelance 2.0: How the freelance economy is transforming from a transactional gig economy to the future of work
Freelance 2.0: How the freelance economy is transforming from a transactional gig economy to the future of work

Main Stage 🟢
Sales & Marketing
Where is the freelance economy heading?
Where is the freelance economy heading?
Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
Selbständige in die Rentenversicherung? Die aktuellen Pläne der Bundesregierung
Selbständige in die Rentenversicherung? Die aktuellen Pläne der Bundesregierung

Second Stage 🟠

Sales & Marketing
Using events to acquire customers and show your expertise
Using events to acquire customers and show your expertise

Workshop room 🟣

Admin & Legal
Compliance Success for Freelancers in Germany
Compliance Success for Freelancers in Germany

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Freiberufliche IT-Projekte im Public Sector: Wie Du die digitale Zukunft Deutschlands gestaltest
Freiberufliche IT-Projekte im Public Sector: Wie Du die digitale Zukunft Deutschlands gestaltest

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
Freelancer First: How Innovative Platforms Are Prioritizing Freelancer Success
Freelancer First: How Innovative Platforms Are Prioritizing Freelancer Success

Main Stage 🟢

Sales & Marketing
So bringst Du deine LinkedIn Präsenz auf das nächste Level
So bringst Du deine LinkedIn Präsenz auf das nächste Level

Main Stage 🟢
Lunch - Main Stage
Second Stage 🟠
Lunch - Second Stage
Workshop room 🟣
Lunch - Workshop room
Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
Wann sollte man als Freelancer eine GmbH gründen?
Wann sollte man als Freelancer eine GmbH gründen?

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
How will AI influence my future of work?
How will AI influence my future of work?

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
Freelance Marketing Blueprint: Projektakquise, Personal Branding & Community Building
Freelance Marketing Blueprint: Projektakquise, Personal Branding & Community Building

Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
Finanzen als Freiberufler: So meisterst du deine Steuern mit Leichtigkeit
Finanzen als Freiberufler: So meisterst du deine Steuern mit Leichtigkeit

Second Stage 🟠

Admin & Legal
IT Hub Zypern: Einblicke in eine IT Gemeinschaft am Rande der EU
IT Hub Zypern: Einblicke in eine IT Gemeinschaft am Rande der EU

Workshop room 🟣

Main Stage 🟢

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
(Re)Defining success: Forging your own path in a world of advice
(Re)Defining success: Forging your own path in a world of advice

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
Unlocking Success: Als Freelancer souverän Einwände überwinden
Unlocking Success: Als Freelancer souverän Einwände überwinden

Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
Scheinselbständigkeit, Rentenversicherungspflicht und Verträge für Selbständige
Scheinselbständigkeit, Rentenversicherungspflicht und Verträge für Selbständige

Second Stage 🟠

Admin & Legal
Rechtliche Aspekte von digitalen Nomaden
Rechtliche Aspekte von digitalen Nomaden

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
Wie man seinen CV in einen Recruiter-Magneten verwandelt!
Wie man seinen CV in einen Recruiter-Magneten verwandelt!

Second Stage 🟠

Sales & Marketing
LinkedIn Storytelling für Freelancer
LinkedIn Storytelling für Freelancer

Main Stage 🟢

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Averting Freelancer Burnout: Strategies for Self-Care and Mental Wellness
Averting Freelancer Burnout: Strategies for Self-Care and Mental Wellness

Workshop room 🟣

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Skills that convert – Choosing the right tech stack
Skills that convert – Choosing the right tech stack

Main Stage 🟢

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Why you struggle with self-promotion and what to do about it
Why you struggle with self-promotion and what to do about it

Second Stage 🟠

Admin & Legal
Die Herausforderungen der länderübergreifenden Arbeit als Freelancer (mit Fokus auf Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien)
Die Herausforderungen der länderübergreifenden Arbeit als Freelancer (mit Fokus auf Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien)

Networking Party
Main Stage 🟢

Sales & Marketing
The unique ingredients in "launch marketing"
The unique ingredients in "launch marketing"

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
Effektive Kundenkommunikation
Effektive Kundenkommunikation

Main Stage 🟢

Sales & Marketing
Preisstrategien: Wie und wann Du am besten deinen Preis erhöhen solltest
Preisstrategien: Wie und wann Du am besten deinen Preis erhöhen solltest

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
The Freelancer’s Evolution: Steps You Go Through On The Freedom’s Path
The Freelancer’s Evolution: Steps You Go Through On The Freedom’s Path

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
SEO weapons for freelancers: How to get clients from Google
SEO weapons for freelancers: How to get clients from Google

Main Stage 🟢

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Freelancer to Founder: From initial idea to the first investment
Freelancer to Founder: From initial idea to the first investment

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Empowering Freelancers with Security and Solidarity through Cooperatives
Empowering Freelancers with Security and Solidarity through Cooperatives

Workshop room 🟣

Sales & Marketing
How To Build Your Freelance OS in 30 Minutes in Notion
How To Build Your Freelance OS in 30 Minutes in Notion

Main Stage 🟢
Admin & Legal
Politisches Panel zu Scheinselbstständigkeit und der Zukunft von Freelancing in Deutschland
Politisches Panel zu Scheinselbstständigkeit und der Zukunft von Freelancing in Deutschland
Second Stage 🟠

Sales & Marketing
Lessons learned : What freelancers should know about collaboration with companies
Lessons learned : What freelancers should know about collaboration with companies

Main Stage 🟢
Lunch - Main Stage
Second Stage 🟠
Lunch - Second Stage
Workshop room 🟣
Lunch - Workshop room
Main Stage 🟢
Professional Development & Wellbeing
Wie Sideprojekte das Freelancing wirklich frei machen können
Wie Sideprojekte das Freelancing wirklich frei machen können
Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Freiberuflicher Product Owner: Herausforderungen & Lösungen meistern
Freiberuflicher Product Owner: Herausforderungen & Lösungen meistern

Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
EU regulatory framework and the Platform Worker Rights Directive
EU regulatory framework and the Platform Worker Rights Directive

Second Stage 🟠

Admin & Legal
Freelancer & DSGVO - Richtiger Umgang mit Datenschutz macht Spaß!
Freelancer & DSGVO - Richtiger Umgang mit Datenschutz macht Spaß!

Main Stage 🟢

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Product Management Anti-Patterns
Product Management Anti-Patterns

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
Die Kraft des Netzwerkens für Freelancer
Die Kraft des Netzwerkens für Freelancer

Main Stage 🟢

Admin & Legal
Freiberufliche Tätigkeit in der Schweiz. Wie funktioniert das?
Freiberufliche Tätigkeit in der Schweiz. Wie funktioniert das?

Second Stage 🟠

Professional Development & Wellbeing
From Conflict to Collaboration: Leveraging PCM for Effective Teamwork in Freelance Projects
From Conflict to Collaboration: Leveraging PCM for Effective Teamwork in Freelance Projects

Main Stage 🟢
Sales & Marketing
Akquise trotz Krise: verlässlich gute Projekte bekommen
Akquise trotz Krise: verlässlich gute Projekte bekommen
Main Stage 🟢
An experienced professional with over 20 years in computer engineering, specializing in language technologies and AI. Passionate about coaching, education, and organizing events focused on personal growth, meditation, and emotional intelligence.

Keynote Speaker Opening - Freelance 2.0: How the freelance economy is transforming from a transactional gig economy to the future of work

Panel Discussion - Where is the freelance economy heading?

So bringst Du deine LinkedIn Präsenz auf das nächste Level

Zusammenarbeit mit Dienstleistern (PDL)

LinkedIn Storytelling für Freelancer

How to calculate freelance rates
Moving towards starting your own agency

The unique ingredients in "launch marketing"

How to build a customer base as a freelancer?

Effektive Kundenkommunikation

Beyond the Gig: Personal Branding, Lead Generation und Strategien zum Aufbau von Communities

Wie man seinen CV in einen Recruiter-Magneten verwandelt!

How to convert more of your deals or applications?

Lessons learned : What freelancers should know about collaboration with companies

Preisstrategien: Wie und wann Du am besten deinen Preis erhöhen solltest

Storytelling for solopreneurs

SEO weapons for freelancers: How to get clients from Google

A successful freelancer’s guide to finding long-term clients
Akquise trotz Krise: verlässlich gute Projekte bekommen
How to move from billing per hour to product-based pricing

Using events to acquire customers and show your expertise

Wie definiere ich meinen persönlichen USP?

Freelancer referral programs: Building a network of advocates
Social selling as a freelancer

Strategic Approach to Marketing in the Age of AI

Wann sollte man als Freiberufler eine GmbH gründen?

Top 10 compliance mistakes freelancers make in Germany

Challenges of cross border working as a freelancer (focus on France, Germany, UK)

Freelancing vs Employment: Which one is better?

Rechtliche Aspekte von digitalen Nomaden

Freiberufliche Tätigkeit in der Schweiz. Wie funktioniert das?

Freelancer GDPR Compliance: Navigating data protection regulations

Efficient Invoicing Practices for Freelancers

Scheinselbständigkeit, Rentenversicherungspflicht und Verträge für Selbständige

Mastering bookkeeping for freelancers
How to open an EU business for freelancers and self-employed professionals

Erfolgreiche Vertragsgestaltung: Do's & Don'ts

How to plan your financials as a freelancer
Reimbursable expenses for freelancers

IT Hub Zypern: Einblicke in eine IT Gemeinschaft am Rande der EU

EU regulatory framework and the Platform Worker Rights Directive

Freelancing in the Aerospace Industry

Averting freelancer burnout: Strategies for self-care and mental wellness

Freelance Product Owner: Navigating Challenges & Solutions

Why do freelancers need a community?

Empowering freelancers with security and solidarity through cooperatives

How to fire a client the professional way

(Re)Defining success: Forging your own path in a world of advice

Thriving together: How mentorship fuels freelancer growth
How to become a digital nomad?

Product Management Anti-Patterns

How will AI influence my future of work?

How to deal with conflicts as a freelancer?
Parenting as a freelancer, how does it work?

The freelancer’s evolution: Steps you go through on the freedom’s path

Die Kraft des Netzwerkens für Freelancer

Can digital nomads ever have a good work/life balance?

Why you struggle with self-promotion and what to do about it

Side hustle success: The power of side businesses

Mit 50 als Freelancer durchstarten

Freiberufliche IT-Projekte im Public Sector: Wie Du die digitale Zukunft Deutschlands gestaltest

Freelancer to Founder: From initial idea to the first investment

Skills that convert: Choosing the right tech stack

An experienced professional with over 20 years in computer engineering, specializing in language technologies and AI. Passionate about coaching, education, and organizing events focused on personal growth, meditation, and emotional intelligence.
Einblicke in die Erfahrungen der Community
Was Teilnehmer über
Freelance Unlocked sagen
Finde heraus, warum so viele Freelancer aus verschiedenen Branchen mit dabei sein wollen!
Katrin Zinke
eLearning Author
A conference just for freelancers? Yes, it really exists. The format is impressive, featuring a wide range of presentations, workshops, and a lot of opportunities for networking. I've never experienced such a great chance to connect with participants before, during, and after the conference. The presentations provided valuable insights: When should I establish a GmbH? When can I raise my prices? What do I need to consider regarding GDPR and working abroad? I’m already looking forward to the next one. It’s hard to imagine it being any better.
Nicole Kamp
Agile Business Analyst
Freelance Unlocked was a great experience. 2 days filled with interesting and helpful content. Besides the presentations and workshops, one of the best parts was to exchange experiences and connect with other freelancers. It’s a friendly and open community, and I look forward to next year.
Bertrand Rothen
Senior Product Management Consultant
Freelance Unlocked definitely is the conference to be for all freelancers in tech & digital! A great event for 'new freelancers' to find answers to questions we all had at some point (like how to navigate German bureaucracy and get clients), and for more seasoned freelancers to brush up on current trends, reconnect with friends – and also meet new ones. I was impressed by the production values (amazing main stage!), great content curation, no-fuss vibe (no suits, no complicated schedule or venue), and it was nice atmosphere to bring a lot of people together that usually work individually!
Olivia Olivares
Google & Meta Ads Manager
Freelance Unlocked in Berlin was great. Two days of a great program, all about freelancing. There was something for everyone, whether it was legal issues, how to raise your rates or how to network properly. Up to 3 stages of concentrated expert knowledge. It was also a great opportunity to network. I'll be there again next year!

Mark Rödiger
Marketing Manager
In May 2024, I had the opportunity to attend Freelance Unlocked in Berlin. The various panels and lectures offered a wide range of insights into topics and challenges relevant to me. I particularly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere, which made networking easier and allowed me to make valuable connections. Overall, it was an inspiring event that I would gladly attend again.
Judith Böhlert
Senior Full Stack Engineer
Freelance Unlocked was fantastic 2 days filled with expert talks, workshops, and networking. My favourite part was meeting and connecting with people from my online network in real life. Kudos to the organisers who brought this event to life!
Mike Gaertner
Senior Project Manager
I always find it exciting to meet new people with diverse backgrounds and exchanging our experiences, ideas and knowledge. This was the greatest part of the event for me. Networking and making valuable connections, exchanging ideas and get to know people you wouldn’t have met without the event. You always meet twice 😉 I went to network with people and was 100% satisfied with the outcome of the event! Looking forward to the next one! Thanks Freelance Unlocked 🔓
Josefine Walter
Agile Coach & Scrum Master
Freelance Unlocked does so much differently! It's a networking event for freelancers that takes networking seriously. I enjoyed the community aspect the most. Freelance Unlocked connects people in various ways, starting right from the beginning with WhatsApp groups and helping participants find commonalities. This gives everyone the opportunity to get in touch, exchange ideas, and form peer groups with significant value. In this way, a strong community is built. I also learned a lot from the speakers, including how to optimize my LinkedIn profile and CV, as well as how to better handle the legal aspects of my business. Thank you for making this possible!
Christian Grümme
Senior Java Fullstack Developer
I attended the Freelance Unlocked 2024 conference in Berlin and enjoyed the experience. The biggest highlight was meeting the Uplink members; it felt like a class reunion. Connecting with so many of them in person, who travelled from all over Germany, made me feel more connected to the community.
Yun Qiu
Business & Mindset Growth
I attended Freelancer Unlocked in May 2024, and it was just awesome. Even though I only attended one day of two, I still took so much out of it: insightful speeches, amazing outgoing people from different industries, and a great location and environment. All in all, everything was perfect!
Göran Hielscher
Design Thinking Coach & Consultant
Freelance Unlocked met my expectations for connecting with interesting people and gaining valuable insights. I loved the atmosphere, location, and well-crafted agenda that allowed for networking in Berlin. The presence of government representatives was encouraging. Professionally, I made amazing connections and learned about the tech world. While the full benefits will materialize later, it was an energizing event for an important topic. Certainly my networking sparks ignites the fire soon.

Tanja Schaub
Freelance Multidisciplinary Designer
Unlike any other conference I've attended, this one stood out for its openness and genuine sense of community. It wasn't limited to a single field or profession, which created a unique and inclusive atmosphere where everyone felt like part of a big family, even if we were strangers.

Fabian Oechsner
Product Coach & Consultant
One of the biggest surprises was how easy it was to network. An aspect that I often neglected and to which I had given too little time in advance. Talking to like-minded people, having good conversations with recruiters and making new contacts made the two days a highlight.

Sandra Dickmeis
Freelance Senior UX Designer
It was an incredible experience being surrounded by so many like-minded individuals. I've never experienced such an open and welcoming atmosphere at a conference before. The willingness to connect, share insights, struggles, and successes among all attendees was truly inspiring!

Stefanie Drost
Freelance Software Developer
& Personal Trainer
Finally a conference where I met many interesting people with similar backgrounds and the same problems/experiences. From the conversations with other participants and the great presentations, I was able to take away a lot of new input.

Diego Usai
Marketing Analytics Consultant
I can hardly recall such vibrancy and a genuine desire to listen to people’s stories and make a connection! I enjoyed this aspect immensely! This is just what the community needed.

Thorsten Scherp
Freelance Agile Project Manager
Two days at Freelance Unlocked were so impressive. So many positive mindsets, so much good input in the sessions and through good conversations in-between.
Unsere Location:
Alte Münze Berlin
Über den Ort
Die Alte Münze ist ein ehemaliges Münzprägewerk in Berlin-Mitte am Ufer der Spree und fungiert heute als dynamischer Kreativort und Location für Events.
Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2
10179 Berlin, Deutschland
14.–15. Mai 2025
Tag 1 (9:00–18:00), Tag 2 (9:00–16:00)

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