Alexandra Frey is an expert in digital accessibility testing. Since studying cartography and geospatial media technology, she has been deeply engaged in creating inclusive and user-friendly digital experiences. What started as initial curiosity has grown into a deep understanding of this complex field. Over the past three years, Alexandra has developed extensive expertise in designing accessible presentations with tools like PowerPoint and Canva, optimizing social media content for diverse audiences, and ensuring websites and documents meet accessibility standards. Beyond her professional work, she actively raises awareness about the importance of digital inclusion and shares her knowledge through LinkedIn and other platforms. For Alexandra, this work is more than a career, it’s a true passion.
Der Workshop gibt einen Überblick, worauf bei barrierefreien Websites zu achten ist. Als Testerin zeigt Alexandra typische Fehler bei dem Thema auf und erklärt, wie man sie behebt oder verhindern kann. Im Workshop wird sie den Aufbau von barrierefreien Websites und die verschiedenen Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten vorstellen.