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Sascha Lobo will be the keynote speaker at Freelance Unlocked 2025! Learn More
Maruan Faraj

Maruan Faraj

Founder & CEO at Finally Freelancing

About Maruan Faraj

Originally starting out as a freelancer himself, Maruan is now the proud owner of the successful premium consultancy Finally Freelancing. Together with his team of 20, he has already worked with over 850 self-employed individuals in the fields of design, IT, and digital, helping them significantly increase their revenues. Maruan Faraj is a true polymath: within a few years, he has transformed his own freelance career as a UX designer into a flourishing company that now generates millions in revenue. Alongside his partner and team, he guides self-employed individuals to break free from the time-for-money cycle and make their services profitable. He places great emphasis on providing tailored consultancy that precisely meets the needs of his clients. Maruan's aim is to reach over a million self-employed individuals and guide them towards their entrepreneurial goals. He is a trailblazer in empowering freelancers and serves as an inspiring role model for those who wish to take control of their professional future.

Maruan Faraj will be speaking about:

Date & Time Date & Time
Duration Duration
Language Language
German German
Stage Stage
Talk Sales & Marketing

Vom Freelancer zum Unternehmer mit einer Produktisierten Dienstleistung

Wie wirst Du endlich für Ergebnisse statt für Deine Arbeitszeit bezahlt? Wie legst Du die Basis für nachhaltiges Wachstum, das nicht von Dir abhängt? Maruan war Freelancer und ist nun Multi-Millionen Unternehmer, der mit der Finally Freelancing GmbH über 1000 Designer, Developer und Marketer in den letzten 5 Jahren betreut hat. In seinem Vortrag erklärt er uns das Konzept der produktisierten Dienstleistung, um sich vom Freelancer zum Unternehmer zu entwickeln.