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Sascha Lobo will be the keynote speaker at Freelance Unlocked 2025! Learn More
Sandra Löhning

Sandra Löhning

Senior Partner Manager Europe at exali AG

About Sandra Löhning

Sandra Löhning serves as the Senior Partner Manager at exali AG, where she spearheads the acquisition and collaboration efforts with strategic partners across 28 countries. With over 15 years of experience, including her tenure as a key account manager in the textile industry, Sandra brings a wealth of expertise in project management. She excels in navigating complex projects and handling demanding clients and partners with finesse. A dedicated sales specialist with a passion for challenges, foreign languages, and gastronomy, Sandra not only thrives in challenging negotiations in her native Bavaria but also enjoys exploring mountain hiking trails. Equipped with certifications as a project manager, Scrum Master, and sales trainer, Sandra is adept at managing intricate projects and negotiations. She looks forward to sharing her knowledge and skills in workshops, contributing to the success of complex endeavors.

Sandra Löhning will be speaking about:

Date & Time Date & Time
Duration Duration
Language Language
German German
Stage Stage
Workshop Sales & Marketing

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Jeder Kunde ist anders – doch mit der richtigen Herangehensweise lassen sich unterschiedliche Kundentypen besser verstehen, gezielt ansprechen und langfristig binden. In diesem Workshop erfährst du, welche Kundentypen es gibt, wie du ihre Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen erkennst und welche Kommunikationsstrategien am besten funktionieren. Das hilft nicht nur, effizienter zu arbeiten und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern, sondern auch Vertragsverhandlungen gezielt auf die Erwartungen des Kunden abzustimmen und erfolgreicher abzuschließen.